The Ultimate Candidate Experience Survey Questions To Ask

In the highly competitive landscape of talent acquisition, organizations are increasingly recognizing the pivotal role of candidate experience in attracting and retaining top-tier candidates. The candidate experience encompasses every interaction a potential candidate has with an organization throughout the recruitment process, from the initial job search to post-interview communication. Creating a positive candidate experience not only reflects an organization’s commitment to professionalism and respect but also directly impacts its reputation and ability to secure top talent.

The purpose of this survey is to gain invaluable insights into the candidate experience during our recruitment process. By collecting candid feedback from applicants, we aim to identify areas of strength and areas that require improvement. This survey serves as a powerful tool to understand the effectiveness of our recruitment strategies, identify pain points, and tailor our approach to align with the expectations and needs of our candidates.

Hirebee helps you get the best candidates for your team with the help of an excellent range of features such as excellent job distribution and a very effective candidate screening process.

With the knowledge gained from this survey, we can optimize our candidate experience and foster a lasting impression that positively influences our organization’s reputation in the talent market. Your feedback is vital, and we sincerely appreciate your participation in this endeavor.

HR manager conducting candidate experience survey with new candidate

Table of Contents

Pre-application Phase

How did you discover the job opening?

This question helps recruiters understand the effectiveness of their job posting strategies. Whether candidates found the opening through the company’s website, job boards, social media, or referrals can provide insights into which channels are most successful in attracting potential candidates.

Did the job posting provide a clear understanding of the role and requirements?

Clarity in the job posting is essential to attract the right candidates. This question gauges whether the information provided was comprehensive enough for applicants to determine if they were a good fit for the position.

Was the application process clearly explained?

Understanding the application process is critical for candidates to successfully complete it. This question assesses whether the steps involved in applying for the position were easy to comprehend and follow.

Did you find the company’s career website appealing and user-friendly?

The company’s career website is often the first point of contact for candidates. This question helps recruiters gauge the website’s design and user experience, ensuring it reflects the company’s brand positively.

Was it easy to navigate and find relevant information?

A well-organized and easily navigable website makes a positive impression on candidates. This question evaluates the website’s layout and information architecture, making it easier to identify areas for improvement.

Recruiter asking about overall experience with the company

Was the website mobile-friendly?

With a significant number of candidates using mobile devices for job searches, a mobile-friendly website is crucial. This question determines whether the website is responsive and accessible on various devices.

By asking these questions, recruiters can gain valuable insights into the candidate’s initial impressions of the company and its job posting process. A positive pre-application experience can influence a candidate’s decision to proceed with the application, while a negative experience may result in potential candidates dropping out early in the process. Armed with this feedback, recruiters can make necessary improvements to attract and retain top talent from the outset of the hiring process.

Application Process

How user-friendly was the application process?

This question aims to gauge how easy and intuitive the application process was for the candidates. It helps identify any potential obstacles or challenges they faced while submitting their application.

Were there any technical issues encountered during the application process?

Technical glitches can frustrate candidates and deter them from completing their application. This question allows candidates to highlight any technical problems they encountered, providing valuable feedback to improve the application platform.

How quickly did you receive an acknowledgment or confirmation of your application?

Candidates appreciate receiving prompt acknowledgment after submitting their application. This question assesses the responsiveness of the company and how well they manage candidate expectations.

Were the communication updates clear and timely throughout the process?

Timely and transparent communication is crucial to keeping candidates engaged and informed about the progress of their application. This question helps understand if the company effectively communicates with candidates at different stages of the hiring process.

Were you informed about the next steps and the expected timeline?

Candidates value knowing what to expect after applying for a position. By asking this question, recruiters can determine if candidates felt well-informed about the subsequent stages of the hiring process.

Interview Experience

How smooth was the interview scheduling process?

The ease of scheduling interviews can significantly impact the candidate’s perception of the company. This question evaluates the efficiency and user-friendliness of the interview scheduling process.

Were you provided with sufficient information to prepare for the interview?

Proper preparation is essential for candidates to perform well during interviews. This question assesses whether candidates received enough information about the interview format, expected topics, and any materials they needed to prepare.

How professional and respectful were the interviewers?

The behavior and professionalism of interviewers greatly influence the candidate experience. This question helps assess the conduct and demeanor of interviewers during the interaction.

Did the interviewers provide a clear overview of the company and the role?

Candidates appreciate interviewers who can effectively communicate the company’s values, culture, and the specifics of the role. This question evaluates the interviewer’s ability to provide necessary context.

Were the interview questions relevant to the position and your qualifications?

Candidates want to feel that the interview questions align with the job requirements and their qualifications. This question ensures that the interview process remains relevant and focused on assessing the candidate’s suitability for the role.

Were you given an opportunity to ask questions about the company or role?

Candidates value the chance to seek clarifications or learn more about the company and the position. This question determines if candidates were encouraged to ask questions during the interview.

Was feedback provided regarding your performance during the interview?

Constructive feedback is highly appreciated by candidates, as it helps them understand their strengths and areas for improvement. This question assesses whether the company offered feedback to candidates after the interview process.

HR manager providing feedback during interview

Remember that the application and interview phases are critical touchpoints in the candidate experience, and the feedback obtained from these questions can offer valuable insights to optimize the hiring process and enhance candidate satisfaction.

Post-Interview and Follow-up:

The post-interview and follow-up stage is a critical juncture in the candidate experience, as it greatly impacts the overall impression a candidate has of the company and its hiring process. This phase includes the communication that occurs after the interview, whether it’s providing feedback, extending a job offer, or delivering the news of not being selected for the position.

How soon did you receive any follow-up communication after the interview?

Prompt and timely follow-up communication demonstrates respect for the candidate’s time and interest in the role. Candidates appreciate receiving updates on their status in a reasonable timeframe.

Was the feedback provided helpful and constructive?

Constructive feedback, whether positive or areas for improvement, can be invaluable for candidates in their professional growth. It helps candidates understand how they performed and what they could do better in future interviews.

How was the job offer or rejection communicated?

The manner in which a job offer or rejection is delivered can significantly impact a candidate’s perception of the company. A personalized and respectful communication style is vital, regardless of the outcome.

If rejected, was any feedback offered on the reasons for not being selected?

Providing feedback to candidates who were not selected can be challenging, but it is immensely appreciated. Constructive feedback helps candidates understand why they weren’t chosen and offers them the opportunity to improve for future opportunities.

The post-interview and follow-up stage is an excellent opportunity for companies to leave a lasting positive impression on candidates, even if they were not ultimately chosen for the position. Offering feedback and maintaining open lines of communication help build goodwill and a positive employer brand.

Recruiters and hiring managers should prioritize delivering the news of rejection with empathy and kindness, acknowledging the candidate’s effort and expressing gratitude for their interest in the company. By doing so, even those candidates who may not have been the right fit at the moment may still view the company favorably and may consider applying for other opportunities in the future.

In the case of a job offer, providing all the necessary details, discussing compensation, benefits, and the next steps clearly and promptly, helps in creating a smooth onboarding process for the successful candidate.

Overall, the post-interview and follow-up stage is an integral part of the candidate experience journey. By ensuring timely and respectful communication, offering constructive feedback, and treating candidates with empathy and professionalism, companies can foster a positive candidate experience that reflects well on the organization’s values and culture. This, in turn, can positively impact the company’s reputation and attract top talent in the long run.

Overall Candidate Experience

How would you rate your overall candidate experience with the company?

This question is a key indicator of the candidate’s overall impression of the recruitment process. Providing a rating scale or a Likert scale ranging from “very dissatisfied” to “very satisfied” allows candidates to express their level of satisfaction accurately. Understanding the overall satisfaction level helps recruiters gauge how well the hiring process is perceived by candidates and identifies potential areas for improvement.

HR Manager Asking Relevant Questions from Candidates about their experience

Would you consider applying to the company again in the future?

Asking candidates if they would consider applying to the company again gives valuable insights into their future interest in potential job openings. A positive response indicates that the candidate had a favorable experience and may be interested in future opportunities with the company. Conversely, a negative response may suggest that improvements are needed to attract top talent in the future.

Based on your experience, what improvements would you suggest to enhance the candidate experience?

This open-ended question allows candidates to offer their suggestions and recommendations for enhancing the recruitment process. Candidates often have unique insights into the hiring process from their perspective, and their feedback can provide valuable ideas for improvement. By giving candidates a chance to share their thoughts openly, recruiters can uncover potential pain points and find opportunities to create a more positive and efficient candidate experience.

It’s important to remember that not all candidates will respond to the open-ended question, but those who do can offer valuable and detailed feedback that may not be captured through structured questions alone.

Overall, the “Overall Candidate Experience” section of the survey provides critical information for recruiters to assess the effectiveness of their hiring process from the candidates’ point of view. The combination of structured questions and open-ended feedback empowers recruiters to identify areas of strength and weakness and make data-driven decisions to optimize the candidate experience. This, in turn, can positively impact the company’s employer brand and help attract and retain top talent in the competitive job market. Regularly analyzing and acting upon candidate feedback is an essential step in ensuring that the company’s hiring process aligns with its values and goals, ultimately leading to a positive and .


In conclusion, collecting feedback through well-crafted candidate experience survey questions is vital for enhancing recruitment practices. Understanding candidates’ perspectives at each stage of the process helps identify strengths and areas for improvement.

By prioritizing transparency, communication, and efficiency, organizations can create a positive and engaging candidate experience. Implementing the insights gained from these surveys will not only improve the hiring process but also bolster the organization’s reputation as an employer of choice.

Emphasizing the importance of candidates’ experiences demonstrates a commitment to treating individuals with respect and consideration, ultimately leading to attracting top talent and building a strong and successful workforce.

Hirebee helps you get the best candidates for your team with the help of an excellent range of features such as excellent job distribution and a very effective candidate screening process.


What is a candidate experience survey?

A candidate experience survey is a tool used by recruiters and hiring managers to gather feedback from job applicants about their overall experience during the recruitment process. It helps organizations understand candidates’ perspectives, identify strengths and weaknesses in the hiring process, and make improvements to enhance the overall candidate experience.

Why is the candidate experience important?

The candidate experience plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining top talent. A positive experience can enhance the company’s employer brand, increase candidate referrals, and improve the likelihood of accepting job offers. Conversely, a negative experience can deter qualified candidates, damage the company’s reputation, and lead to missed opportunities for hiring exceptional candidates.

What should be included in a candidate experience survey?

A comprehensive candidate experience survey should include questions covering different stages of the recruitment process. This may include inquiries about the job posting/advertisement, application process, interview experience, post-interview communication, and overall satisfaction. Open-ended questions should also be included to allow candidates to provide additional feedback and suggestions.

How can a candidate experience survey benefit our organization?

By conducting a candidate experience survey, your organization can gain valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your hiring process. The feedback collected from candidates can help identify areas for improvement, streamline the recruitment process, and align it with candidates’ expectations. Ultimately, this can lead to a more positive and effective candidate experience, resulting in better talent attraction and increased candidate conversion rates.

Should the candidate experience survey be anonymous?

Yes, it is recommended to keep the candidate experience survey anonymous to encourage honest and candid feedback. When candidates know their responses are confidential, they are more likely to provide genuine feedback, including both positive and negative aspects of their experience.