G.S.R. No.__243(E)___.-In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post of Senior Principal Private Secretary in the Central Secretariat
Stenographers’ Service, namely :-

1.Short Title and Commencement -

These rules may be called the Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service (Senior Principal Private Secretary) Rules, 2000.

(2)They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official gazette.

2.Definitions.- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires -

(a)“appointing authority” means the authority empowered under the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control, and Appeal) Rules, 1965 to make appointments to the posts under these rules;

(b)“appointed day” means the date on which these rules come into force;

(c)“approved service” in respect of an officer recruited to the grade means the period or periods of regular service rendered in the grade, including period or periods of absence during which he would have held post on regular basis in the grade but for his being on leave or otherwise not being available to hold such post, from the first day of July of the year for which the recruitment was made:

Provided that where there is a delay of more than three months in joining on appointment, such delay should not be due to any fault of the officer.

(d)“Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service” means the Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service constituted under the Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service Rules, 1969;

(e)“Cadre” means the group of posts included in the Senior Principal Private Secretary Grade in any of the Ministries or Departments specified in Schedule-I;

(f)“Commission” means the Union Public Service Commission;

(g)“Private Secretary Grade” means the Private Secretary Grade ‘A’ of the Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service Rules, 1989;

(h)“Schedule” means a schedule to these rules;

(i)“Departmental Promotion Committee” means the Departmental Promotion Committee constituted under rule 5;

(j)“Select List” means the select list prepared in accordance with sub-rule (2) of rule 7;

(k)“Select list year” means the period commencing from the 1 st day of July of any year to the 30 th day of June of the following year.

3.Composition,Authorised strength and the Scale of pay.-

The post of the Senior Principal Private Secretary shall be gazetted, ministerial and shall be classified as Central Civil Service Group ‘A’. This shall be a centralised cadre to be
controlled by the Central Government in Department of Personnel and Training.

(2)On the appointed day the authorised strength of the posts in the Senior Principal Private Secretary Grade and the Ministries or Departments to whom these rules apply shall be as specified in Schedule I,

Provided that after the appointed day the authorised strength of posts in the Senior
Principal Private Secretary Grade and Ministries and Departments to whom these rules apply shall be such as may, from time to time, be determined by the Central Government in the Department of Personnel and Training.

(3)The scale of pay attached to the Senior Principal Private Secretary Grade shall be Rs.12000-375-16500.

4.Method of Recruitment and eligibility. -

(1)Recruitment to the posts of the Senior Principal Private Secretary shall be
made by promotion through selection(#) of officers who have rendered five years of approved service in Private Secretary Grade ‘A’ (pay scale Rs10000-15200).

5.Constitution of Departmental Promotion Committee.-

(1)The Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India shall, from time to time, constitute a Departmental Promotion Committee, consisting of following:

(#) - amended vide DOP&T's Notification ZNo. 10/2/2004-CS-II dated 28th June, 2005 (Vide GSR No 221)

(a)The Chairman or Member of Commission - Chairman

(b)Additional Secretary in the Department of Personnel & Training incharge of Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service – Member

(c)Two other Additional Secretaries in the Government of India– Members

(2) The Chairman or as the case may be, the Member of Commission shall preside all meetings of the Departmental Promotion Committee.

6.Appointments to the Senior Principal Private Secretary-

Appointments to the Senior Principal Private Secretary Grade shall be made by the appointing authority in the order in which the names of the officers appear in the select list for the time being in force.

7.Preparation of Lists -

(1)The Department of Personnel & Training in the Central Government shall prepare a centralised seniority list of Private Secretary Grade ‘A’ (Rs10000-15200) on the basis of Select List of that Grade.

(2)The Departmental Promotion Committee shall meet as and when required for preparing a select list of officers to fill the vacancies in the grade of Senior Principal Private Secretary after following the procedure to be observed by Departmental Promotion Committees as laid down by the Central Government from time to time.

8.Maintenance of the Select List.-

(1) Subject to the provisions of these rules, an officer included in the Select List shall continue to be included therein till he is appointed to the Senior Principal
Private Secretary Grade.

Officers included in the Select List who cannot be appointed to the Senior Principal Private Secretary Grade or, whoare reverted therefrom for want of vacancies shall notwithstanding anything contained in rule 9, continue to be included in the Select List and retain the seniority assigned to them in the Select List.

9.Removal of name from the Select List.-

The names of persons of the following categories shall be removed by the Department of Personnel & Training from the Select List

(a) persons appointed as Senior Principal Private Secretary;

(b) persons transferred to any other service or posts;

(c) persons who die, retire from service or whose services are otherwise terminated;

10.Regulations.- The Central Government in the Department of Personnel
and Training may make regulations not inconsistent with these rules to provide for all matters for which provision is necessary or expedient for the purposes of giving effect to these rules.

11.Disqualification.-No person,

(a)who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or

(b)who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person,

shall be eligible for appointment to the said post.

Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such persons and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

12.Power to relax. - Where the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, and in consultation with the Union Public Service Commission, relax any of the provisions of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.

13.Saving.- Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxation of the age limit and other concessions required to be provided for candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Ex-servicemen and other special categories of persons in accordance with the order issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.

Interpretation.- Where a doubt arises as to the interpretation of any of the provisions of these rules and the regulations made thereunder the matter shall be referred to the Central
Government in Department of Personnel and Training whose decision thereon shall be final.


A. Authorised Strength – 58

B. List of participating Ministries and Departments, which also includes their participating offices of CSSS.

Sl.No. Ministry/Department
1. Department of Agriculture and Co-operation.
2. Ministry of Civil Aviation
3. Ministry of Coal
4. Ministry of Commerce
5. Department of Company Affairs
6. Department of Consumer Affairs
7. Ministry of Defence
8. Department of Education
9. Ministry of Environment & Forests
10. Department of Expenditure
11. Department of Fertilizers
12. Department of Food & Civil Supplies
13. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
14. Ministry of Home Affairs
15. Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion.
16. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
17. Ministry of Labour.
18. Department of Legal Affairs.
19. Department of Mines.
20. Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas.
21. Planning Commission.
22. Department of Posts.
23. Ministry of Power.
24. Ministry of Rural Areas & Employment.
25. Ministry of Science & Technology.
26. Ministry of Social Justice &
27. Department of Steel.
28. Department of Supply.
29. Ministry of Surface Transport.
30. Department of Telecommunication.
31. Union Public Service Commission.
32. Ministry of Urban Affairs & Employment.
33. Ministry of Water Resources.